Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tutorial: How to delete your blog.

© Sunshine Designs
Tip: Always download your template to your computer before following any tutorials.
1. Sign into Blogger.

2. Click on "Settings".

3. Click "Delete".
4. Confirm and your done!
Not Working?

1. Everything should work if you follow my directions.  If you have any questions feel free to comment or e-mail me here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tulip Element

© Sunshine Designs
Picture I made element out of(I took the picture).
Feel free to use it just please give Sunshine Designs the proper credit. Enjoy!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tutorial: How to add a background image behind a border.

© Sunshine Designs
Tip: Always download your template to your computer before following any tutorials.
Note:This tutorial is meant to be completed after this one


1. Sign into Blogger.

2. Click "Design".

3. Click on "Edit HTML".

4. Scroll down till you see this code:
body {
  font:x-small Georgia Serif;
  font-size/* */:/**/small;
  font-size: /**/small;
  text-align: center;

5.  Replace the blue text with this:
background:url(Your Image Url) repeat;

6. Scroll down till you see this:
/* Header

7. Right under that you should see this:
#header-wrapper {
  margin:0 auto 10px;
  border:1px solid $bordercolor;

8. Change the 660 to 960.

9. Scroll down until you see this:
#outer-wrapper {
  width: 660px;
  margin:0 auto;
  font: $bodyfont;
  border:2px solid #000000;

10. Change the 660 to 960 and add this:
in place of the blue highlight.

11. Click preview and make sure you like it and then click save!

12. It should look something like this:
Not Working?

1. Make sure you are using the Minima Template. This has not been tested on any other templates.

2. Make sure you put your image url in background:url(Your Image Url) repeat;.

3. Still not working? Please shoot me an e-mail here or comment. 

Ocean Breeze

0 element and 5 textured papers

When you are ready to order just e-mail me here with the name of the kit as the subject. I will then send you the kit for free. All kits are © Sunshine Designs. All kits have CU available but you must e-mail me for a free license.

Tutorial: How to add a border around your blog

© Sunshine Designs
Tip: Always download your template to your computer before following any tutorials.
This tutorial may be a little bit challenging for people who are newer to html so if you need any help at all feel free to comment or email me here
Ready? Lets get this tutorial on the road. 

1. Sign into Blogger.

2. Click on "Design".

3. Click on Edit Html.

4. Scroll down till you see:
/* Outer-Wrapper
----------------------------------------------- */

5. Right after that you should see something like this:
#outer-wrapper {
  width: 960px;
  margin:0 auto;
  font: $bodyfont;

6. Add this code where the blue highlight is in the code above:
border:2px solid #000000;

7. You now can change it any way you like!
The purple two is how wide your border is. You can change it to make it bigger(replace the two with a bigger number) or smaller(replace the two with a smaller number).

Changing the green "solid" changes the appearance of your border. You can replace "solid" with dashed(to make a dashed line) and dotted(to make a dotted line).

The orange numbers are the color of your border. Changing them changes the color. To get the six symbol color code you will need a hex color code generator, you can find one here.

9. When you are done customizing your border click preview and then if you like it click save!

Not Working?

1. Make sure you are using the Minima Template. This tutorial has not been tested on any other template.

2. Make sure your border color is not white. It won't show up if it is white!

3. Is your border with 0 pix? If so change it to 1 pix. Now you should be able to see it.

4. Still not working? Shoot me an e-mail here or post a comment.